This time last year, I was in stress-central. I was just about finishing up at the student paper: kissing goodbye to long evenings of cabin fever and fussing over typefaces, trying to let go of the tiny frustrations that made up my final weeks in the insular world of student media. Instead, I’d begun spending […]

There are some foods that, as you grow up, take on an almost mythological status. It’s those recipes that only mums can make, or the foods that come in jars and which you couldn’t even start to put together from scratch. They’re the mysteries of the culinary world, giving mothers and chefs hero status if they’re able […]

Snacking in the evening is my biggest “dieting” downfall. I’d come home from work absolutely starving, and instead of eating a quick and easy dinner, will absent-mindedly chomp on chunks of cheese while telling my flatmate about my day, and then make a meal. If I’d had salad for lunch, I’d probably be in a carb-frenzy and shovel […]

So you know how the foodie section of the internet is all creme eggs and hot cross buns and chocolate nests right now? Yeah, I thought maybe we could shake things up a bit. I love a chocolate egg as much as anyone – I swear, chocolate always tastes better in egg form – but […]

That picture up there is of a scene I never thought would feature in my life. That is a big-ass pile of fruit and veg. When this delivery from Abel & Cole arrived on my doorstep, I was like a kid on Christmas day. I’d been toying with the idea of veg boxes for a […]

I noticed last week that my front page is getting really, er, brown. A lot of the foods I’ve been enjoying are shades of beige and brown – largely because carbs are brown and carbs are brilliant. This spiked twist on bread and butter pudding is no different. I’ve said before how much I love […]

Hi – things might be a bit chaotic over here for a few hours (hopefully not forever!) while I move the site. Bear with me!

Take Five is a collection of some of the best websites and blog posts  I’ve seen in the past month – perfect for taking five minutes out with a cup of coffee, and maybe a cheeky biscuit. Like most food-lovers, I can’t sit down at the internet without looking at food. I love American-style recipes that […]

Banana cake is one of those things that I’ll forever associate with home and childhood. It seems it’s also one of the few bakes that everybody has a version of, often that they proclaim to be the best. But hey, I’m not the boss of you, I can’t tell you what’s the best. I’ve not eaten […]

So, you’ve probably heard all about Google reader being given its death sentence. The Twittersphere was was abuzz and horrified. In fact, the way some people on Twitter have been harping on, you’d think Google had declared the end of the internet. It’s not that bad, guys! I’m confident we can soldier on.  For keeping up […]